Welcome Campus Communicators!

CSU marketing and communication professionals meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. by Teams. We gather to share information, ideas, and professional development opportunities.  If you have items, presentation requests, training ideas, or feedback, please email [email protected].


2nd Annual MarComm Summit

Our second annual MarComm Summit was held on August 24, 2022 at the Translational Medicine Institute. Thanks to all who attended!


Branding Highlights

As we begin to redefine the CSU brand, we will be highlighting brands that have well-established affinity in the market as well as those that are continuing to build and refine their identity and reputation.  As our world is changing, our needs will too, and the brands that are on the pulse of meeting those needs and growing with their audiences are those that win affinity. We will spend a few minutes talking about the power of great branding in each session. So please take a moment to review and join the discussion.

JULY 2022 

Brand: Siete

Type: Food & Beverage

Website: sietefoods.com

Social Media:


Summary: Siete is a national food and beverage brand focusing on health and wellness created by a Mexican-American family looking for healthy alternatives to their favorite foods. Siete Family Foods is a mission-based company, specializing in grain-free products. Watch a video of how Siete began.

Packaging/Design: Clean design using bright colors pay homage to Mexican-American culture with iconic symbols and a reoccurring nod to the Mexican art of papel picado (cut paper). Products are made with organic ingredients, which are featured prominently on the packaging to reinforce their mission of providing healthy alternatives for Mexican cuisine.


Throughout the brand, the family utilizes their culture through their products, packing, mission, and language. They are a family company with an approachable tone as evident in their mission to provide a healthier version of Mexican food, foster inclusion, and positively impact underserved communities. Not only are they proving themselves with their delicious products, they are so grateful for the support they have received that they are giving back to their community and culture. Learn about it here!

Siete is getting noticed by Hollywood, too! Gwenyth Paltrow and Ryan Seacrest chatted about Siete on the red carpet for the Golden Globe Awards in 2020.

Why We Chose This Brand: We think Siete is a great brand to feature because it’s an unexpected underdog in the market today. It’s growing in popularity and is a brand celebrating diversity in its full authenticity. Its tone is humble, fun, and approachable. They have kept their brand relevant through social media tactics by taking advantage of trends to amplify their messages. Check out this video where Siete puts its own spin on the avocado toast trend to create something unique and healthy. This allows the viewer to connect to the avocado toast phenomenon but also learn about a new way they could make it.

Do you have a brand that you would like to see highlighted? Email your suggestions to [email protected].