Extension sends a weekly mailing to 54 Extension County offices every Friday.  This weekly mail is open to other University departments or units, pending approval from Extension.  Below are the standards for post cards that can be inserted in plastic table tents that each county has for any University or County promotion.

  • Size:  4”x6”
  • Paper:  standard weight paper
  • Double-sided
  • Quantity:  54*
  • Approval:  submit artwork for graphic standards approval to the Division of University Communications.  Submit artwork for Extension Friday Mail approval to [email protected].  Joanne will approve via email and copy the University Resource Center.
  • Run time:  varies
  • Submission and Contact: submit table tents to the University Resource Center, 4061 Campus Delivery, 491-6198, by 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon for Friday mailing to Extension county offices.
    *Quantity and availability subject to change.  Any other items that a department wishes to include, that is not a table tent, must still be approved by Joanne Littlefield, prior to submitting to the University Resource Center.